Week 2 Internship Reflection

Laszlo Balint
2 min readSep 14, 2021


I know last week I said I would do this on Friday and I intended on doing that but it didn't happen. So what happened? I had a few positive notes, I got a raise so that is good! I also made substancial progress on my Ukrainian National Police INL bid. I am really hoping that I can submit that soon as it is due the 20th of Sept. This will be my first really big assignment that I have completed on my own so I am fairly nervous. Especially since this bid is going to be around the 250k mark so it will generate a lot of revenue. I have been feeling more confident in my ability of establishing relationships over email and phone calls. I do feel quite overwhelmed though. I just feel that I am not completing tasks as quickly as I should compared to my co workers. I am still in the learning process and trying to integrate professional vocabulary into my everyday emails. It takes me some time and I try to proofread them as one should. I just feel quite slow because I am still in this learning phase which kind of weighs on me a bit but we are improving every day. I have tried to really understand how I work and improve. It has made me pick back up my self research on ADHD as I feel I have been undiagnosed. I am soon going to start to start the search for a doctor/ psychologist to be tested. I think the testing will give me a lot of answers and clear up many things I have had to deal with my whole life that I never realized can highly impact my performance in many aspects of my life.

